Target/Consumers- Mango being an urban brand targets a wide range of consumers. The first consumer for mango is Grace a young woman at the age of 26. At the bachelorette stage of life, making an income of between £15,000-£26,000, originating from a lower middle class background. Grace is trend motivated and is also motivated by the celebrity culture. She accesses the brand by shopping in concession stores and observing mangos Instagram posts.
The second mango consumer targets a woman Lyn an elderly woman at the age of 62. At the solitary survivor stage of life, this lady is retired with a significant cut in income. Lyn is a buyer who loves to buy on occasion and for work days. She accesses the brand through observing the editorials in magazines
The third mango consumer targets a man Derek a middle age man at the age of 32. A man at the bachelor stage of life, he accesses the brand by shopping in main mango stores and observes mangos social media pages.
Mango is using social media platforms to communicate with their target consumer and customers, informing them about the recent Kids campaign and committed campaign that have been released. Creating sustainable collections using orgnic materials from different origins. Mango in the past have put digital forefront of its business model, using a young well known model which mango were calling a “revolutionary” communications strategy leading to the launch in February 2016. Mango unveiled a new micro advertising campaign in the spring season. A strategy where speed and immediacy were the key factors. These marketing techniques have been influential to the brand as they have explored futher than the usual advertising campaigns and marketing techniques.